
Hey Larry Hughes


The aforementioned site was developed and frequented by Cleveland Cavalier fans who obviously don't understand the game of basketball. There is no in depth breakdown of the analysis provided. There are no sources cited and or strong statistical correlation just plain slander.

The fact of the matter is that Hughes is having a bad season. He isn't playing even ample minutes on average, he has no role in the Cavaliers offense but to simply bring the ball up and make an entry pass, nor are any set plays ran for Hughes.

However, these facts as well as any sort of detailed description of these phantom bad shots aren't provided in this joke of a blog. Also, there isn't a hint of expectation and for the player being urged to , " please stop taking so many bad shots". Since when does less than 10 attempts per contest constitute "so many"?

Since we are so concerned with establishing statistically correlations its is obvious that when Hughes attempts more field goals his productivity has significantly increased.

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